Sunday, May 19, 2019
2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Montclair, NJ
The Ghost Army of WWII Author Presentation
Women's Club of Upper Montclair,, NJ
200 Cooper Avenue Montclair, NJ 08043
phone: 973-239-4490.
Price: $40.00
Website: Women's Club of Upper Montclair,, NJ
Sponsored by The Women's Club of Upper Montclair. 200 Cooper Avenue, Montclair NJ. 2-5 pm. Rick Beyer, director of the PBS documentary will give a multi-media presentation about the special division that was kept secret for over 50 years. Hear about the handpicked group of young GIs that were armed with rubber tanks, fake artillery and more than a few tricks up their sleeves. Their job was to create a traveling road show of deception on the battlefields of Europe. See memorabilia and hear music from the 40s. Gift basket raffles, silent auction and 50/50 will be included. Refreshments will be served. For more info: SBRinNJ@AOL.COM, 973-239-4490. $40.
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